We envision a world where pregnancy and childbirth is safe for every woman everywhere.

Who we are?

Motherhood Healthcare is a unique organisation devoted to saving lives of mothers and babies by improving access to maternal healthcare services for women in Sierra Leone and beyond.

Our Vision

We envision a world where all women have a right to equitable and well-resourced services, information, conditions and facilities that protect and promote their reproductive and maternal health.

Our Mission

To save lives of women dying from treatable complications of pregnancy and childbirth by improving access to equitable maternal health services, support and resources; ‘no women should die bring life.’ This will be achieved through a human rights-based approach that raises awareness about the salient issue of maternal mortality and ensure that the design, delivery and monitoring of maternal healthcare services are tailored around the needs of women in Sierra Leone.

Motherhood Health Care Aim

Our aim is to improve the maternal health situation of women and girls in Sierra Leone and beyond.

Improve access to healthcare for pregnant women in Sierra Leone by running mobile health clinics and maternal healthcare centres in rural areas to prevent women from travelling long distances in order to access healthcare.

Create the largest community network of women within their local communities through our ‘public health programme’ to educate pregnant women and provide prenatal, antenatal and postnatal care.

Improve women's health awareness by informing them about the need to reach obstetric care without delay, the importance of skilled birth attendance during childbirth and family planning.

Inform women by producing local magazines, literature and leaflets to educate them about their right to health, their right to determine the number, spacing and timing of their pregnancies and nutrition during pregnancy.

Bring back dignity in the labour room, by training midwives to be more compassionate and to revolutionalise childbirth in Sierra Leone.

Reduce the number of women dying from pregnancy and childbirth by training more midwives and health professionals.

Improve communication and networks for health workers and to facilities by providing transport for midwives to reach pregnant women in remote areas.

Our Values

We are committed to being an independent voice for achieving the human rights of women and girls in Sierra Leone. Our values are to:

  • Protect and save the lives of women by making pregnancy and childbirth safer through training of midwives and other health workers within their communities to educate and accompany pregnant women to health centres and ensure that they receive prenatal, delivery and postnatal care from skilled health professionals; and to ensure access to emergency care.
  • Educate women and their communities about the dangers of practices such as early and forced marriage, female genital mutilation etc, and how these practices increase the risks women face in pregnancy and childbirth. And to also empower women to make decisions regarding their fertility and reproductive lives, including the number of children the wish to have and the timing of their pregnancies.
  • Partnership and collaboration with NGOs, clinicians and engage with key ministers and local government to tackle the problem of maternal mortality in Sierra Leone.
  • Community focus and a global perspective.