Your donation matters

Your support helps to save the lives of mothers and babies. 85 percent of our donations come from people like you and 80 percent in spent on helping vulnerable women and babies in poor and rural areas.

Help Us Save Mothers and Babies.

    Your Details

    I would like to make a monthly donation of:

    Your Address

    Your Donation

    Branch sort code

    Please enter an amount with our support, Motherhood Health Care is able to maternal health care services for in Sierra Leone.

    Donate £60

    £60 can pay for mosquito nets and malaria tablets for 3 pregnant women

    Donate £100

    £100 can pay for vital healthcare services, medicines and equipment.

    Donate £150

    £150 can help with the cost of running a fully equipped mobile medical clinic.

      Your Details

      I would like to make a monthly donation of:

      Your Address

      Your Donation

      Branch sort code

      +25% with Gift Aid

      If you are a UK taxpayer, under the Gift Aid scheme we can reclaim 25p in tax back for every £1 you donate, at no extra cost to you.

      Gift Aid is reclaimed by Motherhood Health Care from the tax that you pay in the current tax year. If you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations, it is your responsibility to pay any difference.

      If you are not a UK taxpayer, you do not need to tick the box below. Yes, I would like Motherhood Health Care to claim Gift Aid on donations I make now, in the future and for the past 4 years

      Donate Via MOBILE

      To donate over the phone using a credit or debit card,
      please call: (+44) 020 85021941.

      Donate Via POST

      To donate by post, send a cheque (in sterling, drawn from a UK bank account) or a CAF cheque to the address below:
      Motherhood Health Care
      83 Longcroft Rise
      IG10 3ND
      Cheques should be made payable to 'Motherhood Health Care'.

      Donate Via Paypal

      If you prefer to donate by PAYPAL to Save The Mothers, You can click this link Donate Here.

      Give by eTransfer

      If you prefer to donate by eTransfer to Save The Mothers, you can send funds to our email address [email protected].
      Please email the answer to your security question to the same address.
